What we offer

Our system is based on three factors: private lessons, group classes and practice sessions (general dancing). All of these components are designed to successfully learn for a student (couple) and also described as a unit which includes all of the above. For example one unit is: 1 Private lesson, 1 group class and 1 general dancing during the same week. You can enroll in 4, 10 or 20 units. All of the packages are good for single or couple. If you're not sure where to start we'd suggest you to schedule a complimentary private session first (click on the button above). After the trial lesson we'll recommend which package is better to begin with.

What if I don't have a dance partner?

If You don't have a partner you can learn the dances with your instructor. We will assign either a female or male dance teacher as to your preference, whether you need to practice lead/follow or just need a partner.

Where can I dance and practice?

Our dance studio offers free practice space if you're an existing student. You can come anytime during our business hours to master your dance steps, stretch or practice with a partner. Every Friday night we encourage you to join us for a weekly beginner friendly group class. You'll be introduced to the other students, be able to practice lead/follow with different dance partners and learn the basic steps of the dance that is on the schedule. After the class we invite you to stay for our dance party where we play ballroom & latin music, so you can practice with our instructors and other students everything you've learned.

What should I wear for my dance class?

Just wear something you feel comfortable in while moving or exercising. We suggest you have ballroom dance shoes rather than street shoes, sneakers or flip flops. If you're not sure where to get ballroom dance shoes, you can order them through us as we have a wide selection of models and sizes available at the studio.

How else can I use my dance skills?

Besides social dancing there are many ways you can learn more:

A Showcase is when we invite our students to perform and is usually held at our dance studio two times a year in summer and winter. You pick a dance style and then your instructor will put a dance routine to a preferred song. This will give you an incredible experience of feeling what it's like to be on the floor partnered with your teacher in a dance costume performing choreography in front of a small audience.

Competitions. Would like to go even further in learning? Great! Dance competitions allow you can dance with your instructor. There are four local ballroom dance competitions that are held in San Jose and San Francisco and a lot more in South California and other states. These are high end, beautifully organized events. When you compete there are other couples on the dance floor with you. You can choose which dance styles and how many dances you would like to perform. Each dance can be judged individually or as a group and competitions are open for all ages & skill level.

Sales policy

All sales are final. Lessons are not refundable and could not be transferred. There is a 180 days expiration on all purchases made from the date of sale.

Learn social or competitive dancing. Yes, we teach adults! No partner required!

Pacific grove dance